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Today’s Episode

At the doctor’s office, Dr. Kim was performing an ultrasound for a pregnant patient, checking the baby’s heartbeat.

The fetal heart sounds were strong and rhythmic, like “lub-dup, lub-dup.” I excitedly said, “Wow, it sounds like a horse running!”

The patient suddenly looked shocked and asked, “Wait… are you saying there’s a horse in my body?!”

Dr. Kim and I couldn’t stop laughing.

I quickly explained, “No, no, it’s just an expression! In Korea, we describe a heartbeat sound as ‘콩닥콩닥’ (kong-dak kong-dak). But here in the U.S., it’s more like a horse’s hooves—‘lub-dup, lub-dup.’”

The patient finally got it, and we all burst out laughing together, “호호호! Ha ha ha!”

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